Lyon Harvey, Mago illusionista presenta il DVD Aria, tecniche di moneto-magia avanzate con cui potrai stupire ed incantare i tuoi ospiti.
Livello tecnico: medio/avanzato.
Dvd Recensito dal campione del Mondo Shin Lim come ottimo prodotto, racchiude tecniche innovative e pratici da usare in diverse situazioni lavorative. Le idee proposte sono solo un modo per aprire la mente a diversi illusionisti che vogliono avvicinarsi al mondo della Magia con le monete, oggetti di per se Magici, che racchiudono un mondo di illusione.
Lyon insegna diverse tecniche e routine da poter presentare in pubblico, ideali per una situazione di close-up Magic, Magia a stretto contatto col pubblico, il DVD rappresenta un ottimo metodo per aprire la mente a nuove possibilità: Switch, vanish, washing hands, productions, steal, coin across, spellbound, duplicate e molto altro…
Aria is an easy to master sleight that will allow you to manipulate coins as a master!
Lyon Harvey is an Italian full time professional magician.
He was the absolute winner of the national “Masters of Mind” championship organized by MASTERS OF MAGIC in 2012.
And when it comes to close up magic, he knows how frustrating it can be to master sleight of hand; this is where ARIA comes into place. With just some practice you will master this beautiful and deceptive movement that will allow you to perform coin magic in an elegant and mind-blowing style.
Coin magic takes years to master. On this DVD Lyon shows you how one single sleight can be applied to different scenarios to create different effects and routines.
Routines Included:
* Roll Vanish
* Washing Hands
* Production
* Production 2.0
* Visual Back Vanish
* Invisible Back Production
* Steal
* Load Front
* Coin Across
* Three Production
* Switch – Air Back & Front
* Spellbound
* Air Duplicate
“The only coin DVD I’ll actually watch and spend time practicing. The effects are stunningly visual and bold, yet extremely practical for real world performances. Bravo Lyon!”
– Shin Lim